We are driven to make a positive difference on our environment.
At a time when our way of life is under threat by man-made climate change, it would be unacceptable if we weren’t. And we find ourselves in a privileged position with the skills at our disposal to reduce emissions, promote renewable solutions, and inspire younger generations to be energy efficient.
We work toward the vision that our commercial and residential economy will be powered 100% by renewable energy in the coming decade, because what are the consequences if it isn’t?
Taking Responsibility
We advise commercial organizations on how best to limit their impact on the environment and operate in the most sustainable, modern way possible. So it’s important that we practice what we preach. Here are some ways we limit our emissions:
Recycling all recyclable material from our worksites, and insisting on recyclable packaging from distributors.
Carpooling to worksites, the office, or client meetings.
Scheduling teleconferencing and video calls rather than in-person meetings.
Printing only essential paperwork & marketing materials, and using recycled paper when we do.
Powering down the office completely at night to eliminate 24/7 loads.
Limiting travel to the office when not essential through flexible home office scheduling.
Planting trees on behalf of our clients, and to celebrate project completion.
We are always searching for ways to improve what we do and to hold ourselves accountable for the standards we expect. If you have any other suggestions, please let us know at jvodden@sunisticsgroup.com.
Planting trees…
“Forest restoration isn’t just one of our climate change solutions, it is overwhelmingly the best.”
Trees clean the air we breathe and the water we drink. They help stabilize our climate, provide habitat for biodiversity, and create sustainable jobs.
And according to Professor Tom Crowther, chief scientific advisor to the UN's Trillion Tree Campaign, restoring our forests and planting trees is the best way for humanity to combat climate change.
So we teamed up with our friends at One Tree Planted to plant trees on behalf of every client we work with, each energy management report we conduct, for every student in our better energy classes, and on some days even each time we talk to a business owner on the phone!
Whether restoring forests destroyed by wildfire right here in California, or helping reforestation efforts around the world, our clients have trees planted in their name wherever they wish.
Education, Sustainability, Reducing Pollution, and Climate Justice
Our work with California Interfaith Power & Light enables us to play an active role in the organization’s mission to promote energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy to its members and their extended communities. Mobilizing the estimated 50,000 congregations across the state is a noble, ambitious, and highly impactful strategy in the fight against climate change.
It is a mission we share, providing CIPL with webinar presentations and extensive support in order to help achieve its goals, which include:
To provide links and referrals to local sources of energy audits, building improvements, and solar panel installation.
To provide information to locate green energy sources and compact fluorescent light bulbs for use in congregation’s buildings and member’s homes.
To help congregational leaders educate their membership about environmental stewardship, conservation and the effects of global warming.
To present logical choices that can be made in people’s everyday lives to help reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
For more information on California Interfaith Power & Light, please visit: www.interfaithpower.org.