Pay energy bills like it's 1981 with Sunistics!

For fans of nostalgia, Sunistics is taking us back to 1981, the last time the average businesses could pay $0.06 per kWh for electricity. 

And for fans of looking forward, we’re making this rate available until 2045!

How is it possible?!

The average commercial entity pays $0.18 per kWh in Southern California, which often can be reduced significantly through simple operational adjustments that we recommend without charge or obligation. This rate is sometimes lower in the aerospace and manufacturing industries, but still can be improved.

We use our eTracker monitoring platform to inform these adjustments, usually centered on reducing peak demand charges, or other patterns our analysts identify, before looking at custom energy efficiency upgrades and clean energy installations. 

At this point,  the effective rate can be as low as $0.02 per kWh with applicable tax deductions. Either way, our promise is to provide your business with information, free of charge, that can help you save money. 

If you want to know more about how we fix your rate at $0.06 per kWh, email us at